Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!

Hi friends and family! 

It's the night before we take off for Europe, and I'm finally getting around to creating a blog (hence why this post is slightly unexciting :)! Thank you so much for all of your support and encouragement in the last few months and weeks as I've been preparing :) We take off tomorrow for Prague and then journey on all throughout Europe. Here's our schedule:

Prague (Aug. 24-28)
Berlin (Aug. 28-Sept. 4)
Salzburg (Sept. 4-7)
Interlaken (Sept. 7-11)
Geneva (Sept. 11-15)
Paris (Sept. 15-23)
Bayeux (Sept. 23-26)
Brugge (Sept. 26-29)
Haarlem (Sept. 29-Oct. 3)
London (Oct. 3-12)
Rome (Oct. 12-20)
Florence (Oct. 20-Nov. 10)
Avignon (Nov. 10-13)
Bilbao (Nov. 13-16)
Madrid (Nov. 16-23)
Granada (Nov. 23-29)
Seville (Nov. 29-Dec. 4)
Lisbon (Dec. 4-8)

If you have been to any of the cities above and have recommendations for places to visit, food to eat, or activities to check out - please let me know! We're going to be taking 4 classes (covering European Nationalism, Art, European Challenges, and the Reformation), so we will be busy with class and group travels, but I would LOVE to try to make it to places that you recommend!

I'm going to try to focus on pictures and brief info on what we are doing so feel free to check in every once in a while and to email me at any point at!


P.S. Pass this address along to anyone that you think may be interested, or who I forgot to include - like I said this was a little last minute :)


  1. Yeah! You're off! Have a wonderful trip and I can't wait to see pictures!

  2. Pizzeria Bari in Madrid! I have many good memories of that place ... ate there almost every night when I stayed in Madrid back in 2001. The waiters were tickled by our elementary Spanish, and they kept the free drinks coming. (

  3. And the Plaza of the Americas in Seville. Tons and tons and tons of white pigeons flock there and are super-friendly, and parts of Star Wars: Phantom Menace were filmed there as well. (We were actually there during filming.) Lovely gardens all around.

  4. The old part of the city in Seville is breathtaking. We walked back into a part where the 1000-year-old cobblestones were worn down almost flat. Some famous astronomer had a house back there, and it was one of my favorite areas of the city to gawk at.

    And final comment ... take the subway in Madrid! The tunnels are sooooooo deep, you'll feel like you're descending into the center of the earth.
