Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Week In Photos!

Okay, since internet was nonexistent in Salzburg, I'm going to catch up the end of Berlinvia pictures and commentary. I was notified by my lovely brother that pictures are all anyone looks at anyways :). 

Corrine, Jess, and I stumbled across this anthro-esque shop on our first day and fell in love. Needless to say, we came back 3 times. Don't worry - I bought a little notebook to use as a planner so that I can remember how perfect his little shop was :)

The church at the entrance of Wittenburg where Luther nailed the 95 Theses. Note: apparently, this was  not a big deal in his time. Academics essentially "published" their complaints via posting their papers on this church's doors. 

This is the church in the middle of town, where Luther actually preached. 

Lunch time brick oven pizza and cheezy bread.

when you give a boy a camera...

Jess and I hunted down coffee!

The ladies outside of the museum of Martin Luther's house during a break on our tour... thanks to the fire alarm going off. Bringing Westmont with us apparently...

Living room inside Luther's house where he would meet with students in the evenings. 


Date night when we got back in Berlin. Gabe recommended a random Italian place around the corner from our apartment. It was awesome. Another reason to love Berlin: good, cheap food!

Flea market sunday. Potentially my favorite day of Euro Sem so far. Sleeping in, lovely breakfast, flea market with Brianna, Angela, Hannah, and Devon, a walk/lunch in the park, homework time and dinner in my favorite cafe, bible study in Brianna's room, and vespers in Gabe's apartment!

Antro anyone?

That green stuff -its moss. NOTE: we almost tried to walk across it. 

Luck brand anyone? 

DANA! I'm thinking of you. 

Not what Angela thought she was ordering...

Cozy vespers night

Hannah enjoying our favorite dinner... complete with a glass of our favorite wine thus far!

Welcome to the perfect cafe in Berlin where I spent every moment possible.

Me, Emily, Angela, Hannah

Dr. Rick got a little into bowling...

Team 5!

Princess Mike going to sleep on the train :)

playing 13 - my new obsession. 

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