Friday, August 31, 2012

Berlin's Best

So far - this city is amazing.

Prague was gorgeous. We basically lived next to Disneyland for 4 days. But at the same time, it was so tourist-y, it was overwhelming and exhausting. Being in a city where people obviously live and work is energizing instead of draining, and we've been soaking up every bit of it!

The apartments have been exactly what we needed. We hit the market on our first walk around town and picked up breakfast supplies for the whole week, and it's SO nice to get to escape our 3 meals out a day norm. I LOVED my roommates in Prague (Brianna, Emily, and Brooke) and its been fun being with Angela and Devin too - but it's been rough for Devin because Angela and I are both pretty sick!

Corrine, me, Hayley, and Jessica at a coffee stop that had both an english-speaking employee and the most incredible cappucinos

Christian and Alex enjoying the appetizers at group dinner. We win DC, we win. 

We ate at the 12 Apostle's downtown, where we were warned before the meal that we weren't getting dessert and it might be a little lighter. This picture is 2 huge appetizer plates, 6 pizzas, and 4 pasta dishes later. 

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